Our Impact

Healthier Texas is a statewide nonprofit working to bring people, organizations and communities together to take action that supports health for all, now and for generations to come.
2023 Community Challenge Impact Report

Why It's Time

We believe where you live should not determine how long you live. That’s why we’re working to reduce the risk of preventable diseases while increasing access to health for all Texans. We want Texans to live longer, happier, healthier lives, because right now we rank No. 30 in life expectancy in the U.S., and average life spans can vary as much as 30 years between Texas communities due to inequitable access to health. That’s unacceptable. Those inequities can stem from a number of factors including poverty, city infrastructure, lack of green spaces, food deserts and more.

To build a healthier Texas, we operate in, and impact, three key areas of Texas society:

  • We increase opportunities for Texas residents to engage in healthy activities and civic happenings because we know civically engaged people are statistically healthier.
  • We help schools and school districts strategically expand their capacity to build a healthy environment for their staff and their students.
  • We elevate local-level voices when discussing health prevention and improvements in their communities.
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Our Impact Strategy

A woman flexing her arms for a photo and smiling

Health & Civic Education

Equips Health Champions with knowledge, skills and pathways to engage communities in health. It’s Time Texas empowers diverse voices to co-create our health and civic initiatives that impact tens of thousands of Texans every year. This includes workshops, educational resources and tools, social marketing campaigns, telehealth coaching, nutrition and physical activity education, and the annual Healthier Texas Summit – a premier public health conference that elevates innovative ideas and effective practices, and builds cross-sector relationships that are key to a healthier Texas.
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Kids Participating in Texas Walks

School Capacity Building

Improves how schools implement and promote healthy practices that lead to broader impact in communities. Utilizing the CDC’s Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSSC) framework, It’s Time Texas convenes health partners and connects them with school professionals, families, parent-led groups and students to make health more achievable for all Texans within our educational system. Bridging the gap between a school’s health goals and available resources, It’s Time Texas empowers schools to implement policies, systems, and environmental changes to improve health outcomes.
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Grassroots Organizing & Advocacy

Strives to incorporate the width and depth of Texans’ experiences in health policy. It’s Time Texas pushes for systemic changes in health using community members’ voices and feedback as its inspiration. Starting with the smallest unit – the individual Texan – It’s Time Texas empowers health champions to build healthier habits that drive community-based decision making, motivating campaigns and advocacy, all in the name of building a healthier Texas.
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Lancaster ISD Representatives posing for a photo after winning the It's Time Texas Community Challenge
IT'S TIME TEXAS Community Challenge

2023 Community Challenge

Thank you to our more than 22,991 registered participants who joined us for this 8-week journey to healthier habits! A special thank you to our 5,649 Health Champions who took the pledge and encouraged others throughout all 422 participating communities! And finally, we are so grateful to our Community Partners and all they have done to help the Community Challenge be possible! Our partners are leaders, organizations, school districts, and health advocates who not only organized special events and cultivated community engagement but, most importantly, have set a tone for their community to prioritize the health of all Texans.

Download 2023 Impact Report
Daughter playing basketball with her dad
Official Healthy People 2030 Champions web badge

Healthy People 2023 Champions

Healthier Texas, formerly It's Time Texas, is pleased to be recognized by the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (ODPHP) within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as a Healthy People 2030 Champion.

As a Healthy People 2030 Champion, It's Time Texas has demonstrated a commitment to helping achieve the Healthy People 2030 vision of a society in which all people can achieve their full potential for health and well-being across the lifespan. ODPHP recognizes It's Time Texas, along with other Healthy People 2030 Champions, as part of a growing network of organizations partnering with ODPHP to improve health and well-being at the local, state, and tribal level.

About Healthy People 2023 Champions
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Transforming Lives with Health Coaching

"Your follow ups have been key in keeping me on track. Because of your Health Coaching, I have been able to stay off of medicine. I thank you so much. You are a real blessing to come into this time of my life."
- Thomas Y.
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"Healthier Texas and its free Health Coaching program has been great for me! Natalie, my Health Coach, has been so kind, supportive and helpful. We meet 1-3 times a month to celelbrate 'wins' and 'not wins' and to discuss short-term health goals. It helps to have someone in your corner to provide support and accountability."

- Rachel P. | Harlin ISD
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"Having a call each week helps keep the ball rolling. Its amazing that this service is free!"
- Shirley B.
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"You are my biggest cheer leader, probably my only cheer leader. You have no idea how much I appreciate you and the impact you have on my life."
- Koretta T.
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"I'm so glad my doctor referred me to these phone calls. They are very helpful. I've had diabetes for 10 years and I'm learning so much now with these calls...I like that you listen and give me ideas on what to eat. The way you talk to us, I feel like I can be open to you and not feel bad about it. It is a positive thing all around."
- Paula C.
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Stay Connected

We use social media to share resources, tools, and information to help you, your family, and your friends live healthy lives. It’s also a great way to join and connect with a growing network of Texans committed to making living healthy easier in our great state!